Where any options not used are represented by ‘x’.
SV - Basic Product
SVMini - Mini Version - two views only
SVRT - Runtime-Only, no access to configuration
Field 1: SP for Single Comms Port, MP for Multiport
Field 2: H for Historical Replay or x for none
Field 3: S for Strategy Controller or x for none
Field 4: D for DDE or x for none
Field 5: x for no special drivers, otherwise:
Field 6: R for Remote Licences or x for none
Specify the number of Simultaneous Remotes in the order code - eg R1 for one, R2 for two etc
Field 7: x for English, otherwise
Field 8: ActiveX Support and levels, or x for none:
Field 9: Update Subscription
Field 10: USB Hardware license (‘Dongle’)
SV-SP-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x: SpecView Single Port, Base Product with no options
SV-MP-H-S-D-OPC-R3-x-5Yr-x: SpecView Multiport with Historical Replay, Strategy Controller, DDE, OPC, 3 Remote users and a 5 year Update Subscription
SVMini-SP-H-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x: Mini Version
SV-SP-H-x-x-x-x-DE-x-x-x: SV with Historical Replay and German Language
SV-SP-H-x-x-x-x-x-A13-x-x: SV with Historical Replay, Active X Support and Class 1 and 3 controls
System Requirements for SpecView are here.
SCADA software for people with other jobs!
(C) 2025 SpecView Inc & SpecView Ltd. Page Updated: 07 January 2025