Auto Detect

SpecView can automatically detect a large number of the devices we support.

SpecView scans the communications links to search for devices and then builds ‘Instrument views’ containing (in most cases) all of the parameters (or ‘tags’) that the device supports.  In addition, a graphic representation of the instrument is put on the screen.

For some complex devices, SpecView’s autodetect can make multiple packaged instrument views to make finding parameters and interacting with the instrument a lot easier.

As an example, here is a screen-shot of an auto-detection to a single device, resulting in about 10,000 parameters (tags) being created, split into logical units:


To get the above screen took about one minute’s work from Starting SpecView to having the above screen running.

To see the procedure in action, see the Ease of Use Video.

(C) 2023 SpecView Inc.  & SpecView Ltd.  Page Updated: 28 May 2024

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