Notes on upgrading from V2.5 to SpecView Version 3

It is important to note that there are a few changes to terminology since V2.5:

  • Configuration Mode is now known as Edit Mode
  • A Configuration is now known as a Project

V2.5 is also known as SV32, usually  in the C:\SV32 folder, whereas V3 is known as SV3, usually in the C:\SV3 folder.

Ideally, we suggest installing in a folder called SV3. Do not install in the same place as any existing SV32.

Make sure your existing dongle is connected prior to installation. Note: Version 3 will only work with USB and Soft Licenses. It will not work with the older parallel (25-pin) dongles.

The installation program has 3 modes of operation:

  • If SV3 was not installed on the PC previously, then it will install SV3 fully.
  • If this installation is a newer build, then it will update the current installation.
  • If the installation program is re-run for the same build number, then it will offer: Modify/Repair/Remove

It is advisable to reboot the PC after completing the installation process.


RunAsAdminRun either SV3 or SV3_64 as Administrator the first time to allow the system to be setup correctly. Subsequently, it can be run as a non-administrator.

 To do this: Right click the icon and select ‘Run as Administrator’  as shown here:

For a full list of new features go to the SpecView Help menu and choose What’s New In Version3. Also see this video. There are also some videos of the new features of Version 3 here.

To download, go to the V3 Downloads section here

Unsupported Legacy Version 2.5 is still available for download here.

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(C) 2024  SpecView Inc & SpecView Ltd.  Page Updated: 28 May 2024
